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    Update: via COD, ImPerceptibility made a button. It is now added to the post. Idea from principled discoery.

« New Homeschooler Q & A: Part 2 | Main | Edu-Kitty »

December 07, 2007


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"Those congratulated for their intelligence, for example, shied away from a challenging assignment—they wanted an easy one instead—far more often than the kids applauded for their effort."

Yep! We had first hand experience with that when we took our son out of school. He is a bright boy and they really poured on the "you are so smart" praise. I never realized how that effected his work until we started homeschooling. Getting him to do ANYTHING even the tiniest bit challenging was...well, challenging. I finally figured out that he was afraid of trying because he might "mess up and look stupid".

It's been a long road but he's overcoming that bit by bit as we encourage him in "trying" and "doing" rather than just "knowing".

Aussie Kim

Wow! Neat example! If you haven't read any of Alfie Kohn's books, I bet you'd love them! THE best parenting book I have read though, has to be the "HOW to get your kids to eat" book. It works along similiar lines.

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