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December 06, 2007


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BINGO, ladies!! While my first child was sitting at the computer, typing her name before she was three ... my youngest is four and has no interest in letters. Well, I take that back. She enjoys saying and singing them very nonsensically and spelling everything with "ious" on the end as she giggles.

And Mom said, "It is good."

I'm glad she's my last and not my first. I would be banging my head against said brick wall!!

LA Sue

Cute kid, Aussie Kim. Where did you find him?


He does know all his letters and numbers (thanks to LeapFrog, hahaha), and we've started using the Hooked on Phonics set. But I can only work with him for one or two minutes before he gets bored or starts messing around. I need to figure out how to adjust him (and me!) to "learning time."

LA Sue

Hi Marie,
Just a couple of things I thought of when I read your comment. First, if he's already learned some letters, etc. then you are already teaching him. Second, every time is learning time. Sitting down with a work book is probably the least productive of "learning times." There will be plenty of time yet for work books. My advice is this. Make everything a game. Buy Scrabble for kids. Go to Wal-Mart and get letter refrigerator magnets. Buy sidewalk chalk and a chalk board or a dry erase board and let him write on it (to practice is name, letters, numbers). Buy kid's clay and let him work on his dexterity by making clay animals. Get some for kids safety scissors and have him cut out snowflakes. Spell EVERY sign you see as you are driving down the road, "Stop, S-T-O-P, Stop." My kids would laugh over this one. That was the first word they learned to spell. Go on nature walks, read every book together in the library. (My kids get to stay up an extra half hour IF they are reading. That really works! Call it Big Boy Time. He'll at least pretend to read!)

It really sounds like you are on the right path. I would just caution you not to try to get him to do activities that he is not developmentally ready to do. Follow his lead and try to stay one level above where he is. This allows him to have some success and yet still be challenged.


Keeping it fun is the BEST advice for a 4 yar old. If they're laughing then they're learning. Sure not always what you want them to learn, but they're learning something. :)

BTW, I was looking at the books you have on the side and I squeeled. Anyone who lists Alfie Kohn is awesome in my book. LOL

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